Become the “Big Dog” in Your Community!

Attending local business expos are always enjoyable for me. I like to analyze how businesses choose to stand out from the crowd and market their companies. A few years ago, I wrote a short PromoTip entitled I won a Chip Clip and Invested 100K! It’s a snarky piece touching on how many trade show exhibitors often give away “stuff” just to give away stuff without regard to using a product to convey their desired message. It is the sad truth that this kind of thinking goes to further the erroneous idea that what we sell is really just “trinkets and trash.” But if we are doing our job, we will guide the client to the “right stuff.”

Some years ago, a prospect approached us from the IT industry. Their brand message was they would respond within two hours or the visit was free. We proposed a variety of products that conveyed speed and the importance of time when your computer network goes down. We didn’t get the business. When I later visited their booth at a trade show, I was shocked to see that they were giving away foam stress footballs. This of course had nothing to do with either their business, or their value proposition. Their message wasn’t delivered with the item or on the item. Amazing. The company is now out of business. Geez… we could have saved the company with effective marketing!

In business, how we present ourselves is critical. How we help our clients present themselves is critical also. Here is a real world example.

A Tale of 3 Web Companies
Most communities have many web development companies. Some are good. Some are bad. It’s tough to succeed in an environment with much competition. There are at least three in our tight knit business community. One I have had personal experience with. We contracted with them to do some web programming in the fall of 2011. In true, flakey, web developer fashion, it hadn’t happened in over 5 months of missed deadlines. When it was determined that they couldn’t do it, my deposit money eventually was refunded.

Last week I was at a local trade show. Not surprisingly, the web developer I was trying to do business with wasn’t in attendance. There was another web design company with a booth. It was a fine, professional booth. Nothing exciting.

But walking down the aisle, just five booths away I was drawn to a large stand up 3-D sign. The business was giving out 3-D glasses, taunting: SUPER AMAZING FANTASTIC WEBSITE GLASSES. Intrigued by the presentation, I was drawn in to the booth and put on their logo branded glasses to view the poster.

Their marketing piece had a headline:

Make Your Website Look Amazing in Seconds!
1. Find a Computer
2. Go to Your Website
3. Put on the Website Glasses
4. Admire Your Amazing Website

Results may vary. If the Website Glasses do not perform to your expectations, you should call a professional team that can deliver the website of your dreams… Like us!

Much to my surprise, the company with the eye-catching booth, was a web design company!

But wait… there’s more! The company with the impressive presentation is Small Dog Creative, which leads to the next element of the branding. Stress dog bones. Unlike the stress footballs used by the IT company, the stress dog bones Small Dog Creative used tied perfectly to the brand. This clearly illustrates how the same type of product used effectively will support the brand message.

Had I known Small Dog Creative was another web company, I would have passed by their booth without thinking about stopping. Their creativity enabled them to stand apart from the crowd and engage me.

After talking to some local businesses, it seems Small Dog Creative is attracting some attention with their brand message. If they are doing their job right, they should have no problem growing their business. From what I understand, it is growing. They may grow from Small Dog to BIG DOG Creative! As promotional marketing professionals, we have the opportunity to help our clients effectively build their brand message. It’s important that we understand that.

One might say the flakey web company is going to the dogs and another is turning into the Big Dog web developer in our community. Let’s do what we can to create a loud “bark” for our services and help our clients gain their voice as well. Neighbors (competitors) don’t like barking dogs, but their owners and the people who are around them, love them. (OK…the dog analogy has gone a bit out there, but it’s my Rant and I’m just doing what I can to make my point!)

Click here for a short video commentary on this topic!

Jeff Solomon, MAS is affiliated with a Top 10 distributor company. The website and e-newsletters he publishes are packed with beneficial information and exclusive FREE offers from a few forward-thinking supplier companies. Don’t miss out on what’s happening! Opt in to receive their e-newsletters! LIKE their page on Facebook and follow them on twitter.

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