Words To Live By

I admit it, I love the man! At least I love those inspirational e-mails he sends out every week or so. Hi, Charley Johnson from SnugZ USA (I told him I would be blogging about him this week). Some of you may be receiving Charley’s e-mails. Don’t you just love them?

Well, the thing is, you can’t send a “self-help, live-your-best-life, seize-your-destiny” fiend thought-provoking, potentially life-altering quotations and not expect her to go bonkers!

I met Charley face-to-face for the first time at the PPAI Expo in Las Vegas. (It’s important that I specified “face-to-face” because we had been e-pals of sorts for many months prior). I was curious, so I asked him where he comes up with the quotations. Obviously, those of you that get Charley’s e-mails know many are quoted from a variety of notable past and present figures. But, others, Charley said, “just come to me.”

I believe the following is an example of one that just came to him. It appeared at the end of an amazing PAY IT FORWARD success story that Charley recently shared via e-mail: “If you think something is impossible, then it most likely is; but if you can switch up your mindset and think NOTHING is impossible, then most likely it isn’t.” My version: Think big, live big; think little, live little! You guys like that? Indeed, words to live by!

If you want to know more about how you can PAY IT FORWARD and to get the program’s most recent success story, send an e-mail to [email protected]. Then, visit www.snugzusa.com for a host of exciting promotional products!

‘Til we chat again…


[email protected]

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One Thought to “Words To Live By”

  1. Good interpretation. Consider this, albeit in a different context:<br />
    <br />
    [As a man] thinks in his heart, so is he.

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