A Real Tweet

Greetings loyal readers,

Today, Promo Marketing is officially launching its very own Twitter page. I’m sure for fans of ours already wired into the Twitter scene, this is great news. But I’m also sure there are plenty of techno-stragglers and cynics out there who are sitting in front of their computers, groaning, “Man, not another lame Twitter page …”

Listen. Though I obviously don’t know every one of my readers personally, I can still pretty much guarantee that I’m 100 times more cynical than any of you. I can’t even count the number of times my girlfriend has (sometimes rightfully) accused me of hating something just because it’s popular. I’ll admit that Twitter was definitely one of the things on my “hate” list, but consider me converted.

I’m more of a Facebook man myself, but in recent months, it’s become near-impossible to deny the impact Twitter is having not only on business, but on culture and society as a whole. Below are a few news articles that express the impact of Twitter in one way or another, presented as if they were in a Twitter feed (meaning they’re all under 140 characters):

-Small businesses in NJ market successfully via Twitter: http://tinyurl.com/mc9yop

-From The Wall Street Journal: “10-Year Century”: http://tinyurl.com/l7u92o

-Twitter being employed increasingly by neighborhood watches: http://tinyurl.com/ry29wm

-ESPN clamps down on staff tweeting: http://tinyurl.com/n8ufv2

-Government monitors Twitter and misc. social networking for PR purposes: http://tinyurl.com/m9gfs3

-London’s Royal Opera House to host Twitter-written Opera: http://tinyurl.com/la9mr4

-Twitter alert system wired to Nasa warns of passing astral bodies: http://tinyurl.com/mfny9f

And last but not least, two short guides on ways for businesses to use Twitter:

-50 ideas for using Twitter for business: http://tinyurl.com/5u75pe

-Twitter’s own guide for doing the same: http://tinyurl.com/lctyfn

See? Not so bad. It’s pretty much like reading newspaper headlines. So come join us on Twitter, where we can keep you up-to date on the latest industry news, new product releases, supplier specials and anything else a distributor might want to know.

Promo Marketing’s Twitter page can be found here:

See you in Tweetspace,

CHARLES PLYTER FACT OF THE WEEK: Charlie has a giant dry-erase board where he makes notes of the eight-zillion Web projects he has going on. It’s color -coded, takes up about 1/3 of his cube, and otherwise provides a nice contrast to the five or six half-empty coffee cups that decorate the rest of his desk.

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