So you have to be relevant and interesting. Stop selling. Sure, it’s OK to post a product or special on occasion but you have to be interesting with it. And post things that are useful to get people thinking. Even if you didn’t sell the promotion, talk about current uses of promotional products in big launches and big events. And include snippets to great AND RELEVANT articles and a link to the original article.
The same is true for Twitter, Google+ and all other social networks. It has to be interesting.
To be interesting, include spontaneous, personal, human, light-hearted, interesting, funny, timely and photo-driven content.
The one site you MIGHT get away with being very product focused is PINTEREST. Pinterest is all visual so having cool, kooky and unique promotional products is actually a part of being social. And it transfers well to Facebook.
But, I still prefer, for most distributor and supplier salespeople, to be friends with the person. If that person is interesting. You don’t want to be a star, you just want to be interesting enough to have people not be annoyed when they see your posts.
Don’t SELL and you will sell more.
One more thing, people still go to your website more often than Facebook so you have to keep both up to date or include a widget with your facebook status updates to keep them aware of postings. My wife went to the Falmouth library site to check hours and showed up to a closed library. I had seen their Facebook post earlier in the day that they were close for Patriots day. Which, not being from Maine we had to look up…