The Law of Attraction Series – Part 2

Recently I spent 10 days on a cruise that featured Esther Hicks, who has written many books about the law of attraction and appeared in the original version of the 2006 film “The Secret.” Over the course of my next few blogs, I will share some of my learnings.

Second lesson: If thoughts become things, how can we control our thoughts?

Our thoughts are the result of all the things we permit to access our minds through our six senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and extrasensory perception (things sensed in the mind, like intuition). So, the best way to control our thoughts is to control what we permit to have access to our minds through purposeful practices.

Here are some great examples of purposeful practices compared to how many people live their life:

1. Wake up and practice quiet gratitude, even if it is only while you are brushing your teeth and showering vs. waking up and checking social media and email.

2. Limit your time spent on the news vs. consuming too much news that can create feelings of negativity, anger, and frustration.

3. Limit your time on social media vs. spending too much time on social media that can create feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and exclusion.

4. Limit your time with negative people vs. listening to negative messages, gossip, unkindness, and limiting beliefs.

5. Spend some time in prayer or meditation vs. never taking a few moments to still your mind.

Bottom line is that if we want to control our future and optimize the law of attraction in our lives, we need to control what we permit to control our thoughts.

Stay tuned for part 3…

Read part 1 here.

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