The #1 Way to Boost Your Sales

I’m really excited to be posting bi-weekly blogs at Promo Marketing. My goal in writing these posts is to give you proven, easy-to-duplicate strategies to sell smarter and make more money with less effort.

While it’s always smart to look for new business, the fastest and easiest way to increase your sales is to sell more to existing clients. Your current clients are worth their weight in gold and will always be the easiest sales to get because they already know you, like you and trust you. What are your doing to get more sales and encourage their loyalty?

Here are 5 proven strategies:

More Personal Contact: Nothing beats personal contact! It’s easy to hide behind your computer, but not wise. In a recent meeting in a current client’s office I secured a very large and lucrative order that would not have come my way if I had not been there in person. Not only that, that same client introduced me to someone else in her company that became a client. Coincidence? I don’t think so, these types of things happen all the time when you show up!

Reward Them: Incentives encourage more sales and customer loyalty. Show that you believe in what you sell by rewarding your current clients with a special promotional gift when you get a nice size order, a referral or when they reach a certain level of sales. Clients love gifts. Not only will this spotlight what you do, your client may be so impressed they will want to set up their own incentive program. In my own business, as well as that of my coaching clients, I’ve seen this happen many times.

Add Services: Chances are your clients don’t know all the different ways you can help them with their marketing. Services such as special packaging, graphic design, meeting planning and printing are services that you can easily offer your clients. Even if you don’t provide these services yourself, you can form alliances with other companies that do and increase the size of most orders.

Be Valuable: What’s most important to your clients? If you don’t know, ask. Value-added services such as free marketing tips, white papers, special packaging, faster shipping, weekly order status updates, branding help, product safety information and ROI tracking are just a few of the ways you can add value. In today’s highly competitive environment, it’s the value-added provider that gets the sale and stands out from the competition.

Be Their Personal Shopper: It’s a smart idea to contact all your current clients before you attend an industry trade show. Ask what’s coming up and offer to be their personal shopper. Bring back ideas and samples to help them increase their sales, motivate their employees or launch a new product. You get the idea.

Take action and contact all your current clients in the next month. Tell them you would like to give them a free promotional marketing checkup. Review their plans and activities for the year. Provide them with ideas that will help them achieve their objectives using promotional marketing strategies. If you’re looking for new ideas to present to your clients, I recommend you download the free Skyrocket Your Sales Audio at my website: You’ll get non-stop ideas to boost your sales and income.

I would really enjoy hearing from you. What are you doing to increase sales with your current clients? What has worked well for you? Leave your comments at the blog, or contact me directly at [email protected]

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2 Thoughts to “The #1 Way to Boost Your Sales”

  1. Rosalie, nice job with this article. I like your advice about engaging clients to learn more about upcoming events and their key issues, rather than simply asking what items they buy. After all, we, in this industry, are “consultants,” not retailers.

  2. Rosalie, nice job with this article. I like your advice about engaging clients to learn more about upcoming events and their key issues, rather than simply asking what items they buy. After all, we, in this industry, are “consultants,” not retailers.

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