Is the iPhone the New BlackBerry?

In this Rant, I’m going to deviate from my traditional content and talk tech. I’m hardly a tech guy, but the reality is that in today’s world, we all really are tech people to some extent. We live in a time when mobile devices and efficient technology are business essentials. Here’s my Video Rant on this topic.

At the risk of offending a few people, I’m going to touch on a very personal topic, but it’s a topic that many are interested in. The question of what mobile device to use comes up all the time.

I faced the same decision recently. For coverage reasons we decided to change cell phone carriers. With the new carrier, I now had the opportunity to go to an iPhone, which was an option I never have had. A few years ago, I switched my computing to Apple and generally like the Mac world. I’ve got an iMac, a MacBook Pro, the “New iPad (Which is NOT the iPad 3) and an iPod Touch.

In making this cell carrier change, we were in that odd zone of time just before the release of the iPhone 5 (NOT the “New” iPhone). In my mind as a non-tech guy, I know enough to realize that it does not make sense to get old technology, when new technology is so close. The carrier was offering significant incentives to switch, which of course would not be applicable to the iPhone 5. The profit strategy is well defined with these new Apple product releases and I commend Apple for not putting their products in the position to be discounted. We all can learn from that positioning.

My son who is a tech guy and big fan of the Android platform, was lovingly nudging me into the Samsung Galaxy S3. I had been using an Android phone for a couple of years after leaving the comfortable, yet boring world of BlackBerry. The G S3, as it’s called, looked pretty good to me. In the final evaluation, the over $500.00 in savings was too much of a lure for me. I ended up getting the Samsung Galaxy S3. The phone is awesome and I don’t regret not waiting for the iPhone 5.

Shortly after my purchase, Samsung lost a patent infringement lawsuit to Apple and was awarded over 1 billion dollars in damages. Following that up, Samsung is suing Apple over their patents in the iPhone 5. This is great for the lawyers of course and really doesn’t affect our lives whether you use an iPhone or the Samsung phone. We just want good mobile devices that enable us to stay connected to clients, our office, friends and family. The battle over technology is interesting to watch.

As a user of Apple products, I understand that the Mac World is generally a good place to be. Everything typically works very well, but I must share my frustration with their control issues. In anticipation of our Sail to Success Cruise to the Bahamas, I wanted to get my entertainment synced. Since Apple will only allow you to sync devices with one computer, I have chosen to make my MacBook laptop the main syncing computer.

I assumed, that what is in your iTunes library would be in your iTunes library on any device, but you could only sync to one device. Wrong. It doesn’t work that way. While there are some workarounds for this, what should be relatively simple is not, because Apple chooses to control how you access what you own.

Enter Google. Apple’s archrival is fighting to earn market share in mobile devices through their open source Android mobile platform, online services and entertainment sales. My son has been touting Google Play for some time and showed me how you can get all your entertainment on the web or Android device without wires or syncing. Google Play allows you to store up to 20,000 songs for free and you can access them anywhere.

Imagine my surprise when I found that my iTunes library, appeared in Google Play, simply because we checked a box that directed what we wanted to pull in from iTunes. That just can’t be done in the controlled Apple environment. Then I discover the Google Play Store, which resembles the iTunes Store has some great deals. I bought the classic Beach Boys album Pet Sounds for $3.99. Yah think Apple is a bit worried about Google?

Consider the well-publicized Apple Maps disaster. In retaliation to Google, creator of the Android operating system, Google Maps was eliminated on the new Apple operating system. In a rare blunder, Apple Maps was released when the product wasn’t ready, creating a business nightmare. One business writer suggests that the Apple CEO should be fired over “MappleGate.”

In this humorous commercial, Samsung mocks those waiting in line for the iPhone 5 while a young “hip” person is holding a place in line for his parents. The unique ability of touching two Galaxy S3 phones together to transfer a playlist is pretty cool and something the Apple Police would never condone.

This is why I pose the question, is the iPhone the new BlackBerry? The iPhone is stable and does most things very well, but is it a bit behind the tech curve? Some folks may get riled up over that question, but it’s a hotly debated topic.

It’s interesting how circumstances can turn a loyal Apple customer like myself away, which is something I never would have considered a few months ago. These days in my mind, the Apple is not so shinny. I don’t think you will see me going back to a PC anytime soon, but we all should realize the importance of doing what we can to keep loyal clients…loyal. A few miss-steps and a customers perceptions can change. I’m a perfect example of that.

As we look for ways to keep clients and attain new ones, we are pleased to present two new Success Tracks Online Learning Experiences with amazing presenters:

Communicating Your Message! Is presented by: The Sicilian Mentor, Maurice DiMino. According to the Economic Strategy Institute of Washington D.C., the number one skill to have in business is oral communication. How well are you communicating your message? Learn how to develop a profitable, passionate and powerful message for your business. ALL attendees will receive FREE Evans Italian cooking products just like Grandma DiMino uses! The session is Thursday, October 25th, 10:00 a.m. PST. 
Click Here to Register!

Recreating the Customer Experience! Presented by: Jeff Tobe, CSP. Jeff is the Primary Colorer at Coloring Outside the Lines in Pittsburgh, Pa. He spent 13 years in the promotional products business. Jeff believes that we must accept that customer service is no longer the bar that distinguishes us from our competitors. We now have to consider our internal and external customers’ EXPERIENCES from the minute they make contact with us to the minute they are done! The session is Thursday, November 1st, 10:00 a.m. PST. Click Here to Register!

Jeff Solomon, MAS- MASI is affiliated with a large distributor company. The website and e-newsletters he publishes are packed with beneficial information and exclusive FREE offers from a few forward-thinking supplier companies. Don’t miss out on what’s happening! Opt in to receive their e-newsletters! LIKE their page on Facebook and follow them on twitter. Jeff can also be found on Linkedin.

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