How to Avoid the Price Objection with Clients: Keep Bringing New Ideas and Don’t Let Failure Discourage You

My daughter turned me on to Lenny’s Podcast. Lenny Rachitsky has the #1 business newsletter on Substack and is a quiet, unassuming model of what a podcast host should be. He interviews “world-class product leaders and growth experts,” blah, blah, blah.


One podcast featured an Etsy exec name Tim Holley. Listening while mowing the lawn, I heard Tim say, “We are constantly trying new features. Our failure rate is 80%.”

I smiled.

That number gave me great comfort.

The hardest part about being a sales trainer is coming up with ideas people like. Common business sense dictates that you find out what will work ahead of time simply by asking, but each time I do I hear a version of, “Well, Bill, I don’t know what it looks like but I’ll know it when I see it.”


So, I am constantly thinking about new ideas for The Sales Vault and, up until hearing Mr. Holley’s statement, get frustrated when they fail.

A new workshop idea. FAIL. 

A paid webinar idea. FAIL. 

A Slack group. FAIL. 

But I keep at it…

A different workshop idea for new sales reps. HUGE success. 

A workshop dedicated to women in sales. HUGE success. 

A free promotional webinar. HUGE success. 

The best way to avoid the price objection with your current clients is to constantly bring them new ideas.


The point is, keep working for their business and remind them, “This is why you buy from me!” 

It’s ideas like that that make up The Sales Vault. Go to or call Bill Farquharson at 781-934-7036.

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