Five Fundamental Sales Truths

In last week’s blog I gave you five harsh sales realities. I’m in a better mood this week. So, just to prove that I’m not getting old and cranky, this week I give you some good news:

  1. Solve the problem, earn the order—Love, love, love this one. This is the selling motto for the company that I once worked for some 30 years ago. It’s as relevant now as it was then. Focus on price and you will suffer low margins. Understand customer need first and meet that need with the right solution, and you will name your price.
  2. A good vendor is as important as a good customer—These words were first spoken to me over 25 years ago. They remind me of the value I bring my customers and help me to sell with confidence.
  3. It’s more important to stay ahead of the customer that it is the competition—So often we look at our competitors and wonder what they’re up to. A better focus is on the client’s direction. Understand it and you will never wonder where your company is headed.
  4. An objection is a request for more information—I wish I could claim this one as my own but I must credit this outstanding definition to Wikipedia. An objection is not a roadblock and should not stop you. Hear an objection as the customer saying three words: “Tell me more.”
  5. It’s not about you—It’s not about your products or services. It’s about the customer. It’s about the customer’s direction. It’s about meeting the customer’s needs with your solutions. It’s always been about meeting the customer’s needs with your solutions. Years ago, a client of mine put it perfectly when describing what he does: “We help our customers to find their customers.” Perfect!

Bill Farquharson is the president of Aspire For and can be reached at 781-934-7036 or [email protected]. Free sales tips and Short Attention Span Webinars can be found at

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