Why Horses Wear Blinders

If you have ever watched the Kentucky Derby or any horse race, surely you’ve noticed the horse blinders on the heads of the horses. The purpose of these blinders is to keep the horse from getting distracted by other horses, people or even birds. When a horse gets distracted and looks around, it can lose…

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Chaos Creates Opportunity: Old and New Ideas for Prospecting and Retention

The present circumstances offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for sales professionals who have the drive and the passion for this industry. Those who are willing to invest the time to retain existing buyer relationships and finances will succeed. Sales professionals who generate campaigns that target new companies and buyers will have the opportunity to pick up significant market share…

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Remember to Order Specific Checks for QuickBooks

Ask the Accountant… Question: Do I have to order specific checks to print in QB Premier? Answer: Yes, QB Premier has a particular format when printing checks. You don’t have to order directly from Intuit. However, if you are ordering from another source, make sure they know which QB program you are using and the…

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Is Your Blog Not Getting You Sales? Fix These 5 Common Blogging Mistakes

Blogging has proven to be one of the most effective digital marketing methods. Done right, it helps you get found, generate leads and convert potential clients to the next stage of your sales funnel. However, plenty of distributor blogs struggle to get any traffic. Or, they earn plenty of traffic, but lackluster conversion numbers. There are a number of reasons this can be happening. Let’s fix them!…

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