With a little planning ahead, social media marketing doesn’t have to take a lot of your time to work wonders. If you plan ahead and use social media intentionally to reinforce your other marketing activities, you can achieve huge ROI through both organic and paid social campaigns…
Read MoreCollection: Newsletter Blogs
6 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Trade Show Experience as Live Events Return
It’s time for us to hit the show floor once again. Setting all “re-entry” and social stresses aside, will we remember how to do this? What did we learn from not attending in-person trade shows? Can we apply our new knowledge and practices to make trade shows really work better for us now?…
Read MoreBreaking the Cycle of Feeling Sick and Tired With Dr. Anya Szigeti
A life-changing diagnosis encouraged Dr. Anya Szigeti to embark on a lifestyle change that would reverse her symptoms. She shares her story and discusses practical steps for entrepreneurs and business people to have more energy and achieve optimal success…
Read More5 Fundamental Steps for a Successful First Sales Meeting
I’ve spent countless hours attending sales seminars, reading books and viewing instructional videos to improve my sales presentation skills. Over time, I felt that many of these training programs were saying the same thing, just in a different way. Here are five fundamental steps that I found lead to a successful first sales meeting…
Read MorePrepare and Conquer: Advice From Olympic Gold Medalist Geoff Gaberino
Olympic gold medalist and entrepreneur Geoff Gaberino discusses the importance of determination and preparation. There will be unknown factors, there will be roadblocks—however, when you know that failure is not an option, you will find a path and push through to achieve success. Gaberino shares his story…
Read MoreWhy You Need Business-Only Bank and Credit Card Accounts
Ask the Accountant… Question: I have been using my personal checking account and credit card for my business transactions. Are there any problems with doing that? Answer: Yes! You are creating myriad problems by using personal accounts for both personal and business use. The term for this is “commingling of funds.” The first problem is…
Read MoreLinkedIn Company Pages: Why You Need One
Considering the promo distributor business is a B2B, account-based type of business, as a distributor, your time is best spent on LinkedIn. While there are many people teaching how to use LinkedIn to get more business, few are talking about the great benefits of LinkedIn Company Pages…
Read MoreMaximize Margin Dollars: Sell, Don’t Shop
Clients can shop on their own on price (and, yes, that is one of our biggest challenges), but the opportunity for you to add value and earn your piece of the pie rests in providing creative and better solutions without busting their budget, while maintaining your target margins and sales budgets…
Read MorePursue Your Passion: Startup Advice From Liz Anthony
Liz Anthony created wholesome, protein-packed snacks with simple ingredients during her college days to fuel her energy as an athlete. Her passion quickly turned into a business that became Liz Anthony Nutrition. Tune in to this week’s Million Dollar Monday as Liz shares her compelling story…
Read MoreGood Enough Isn’t Good Enough: 3 Ways to Immediately Move Away From Mediocre
If your clients describe you as being “good enough,” you can rest assured they will find a partner who consistently strives for greatness. Simply stated, good enough is mediocre, and mediocrity is the enemy of excellence. Here are three things that you can do immediately to move away from good enough…
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