Sometimes We Need to Hear ‘No’

Most of us sales and business development types don’t like to hear the word “no.” I get it. But sometimes, us management types need to hear “no.” Let me explain. I recently asked our administrative assistant if she would help with a new project. She replied with an emphatic but polite “no.” The truth is that she was correct…

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What Happened to My Purchase Order Emails From QuickBooks?

Question: After I emailed a purchase order to a supplier in QB Premier, I used to see a message telling me that it had been emailed. I don’t see that anymore. What happened? Answer: You are probably talking about a pop-up message that said: “QuickBooks sent the email to your email application. Your email application will send it to the recipient.”…

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Reentry: Why Nothing—Sales, Health, Relationships—Is Ever Truly Lost

That awesome customer you lost isn’t lost forever. The brilliant employee or inspiring manager hasn’t forgotten you. And your terrific health is within grasp. What prevents us from reclaiming what we’ve apparently lost is the lack of a proper reentry plan. Think about it: Perhaps you worked hard to build $1 million in sales and were able to maintain…

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