Opening Day for Promos

Yesterday was the Philadelphia Phillies home opener, and, of course, they lost because they know that I have my heart invested in them and they just want to disappoint me. Sorry, did I say that last part out loud? Anyway, because I live in the city, I saw plenty of people who obviously were coming…

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5 Tips for Better Product Videos, Ranked from Least to Most Expensive

It’s no secret that video marketing totally has exploded. It’s pretty much become an absolute necessity for all businesses, even if they are traditional brick-and-mortar stores. A few years ago, you could get away with any kind of video quality because you might be only one of three companies on YouTube or Vimeo. Now that…

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Keeping Art Files to Find Them Later

Question: Is there an easy way to keep art files so I can find them later? Answer: While this technically is not an accounting question, cataloging your art files is important for keeping your order management organized. During my distributor days, I kept a folder in my documents called “Art.” I would keep all my…

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13 Green Promotions to Celebrate Earth Day

While it’s been uncharacteristically cold here in Philadelphia, the first week of April still has brought chirping birds and blooming cherry blossoms. The start of spring also signifies that Earth Day is almost here, and if you’re anything like us, you love the opportunity to give back to Mother Earth. Whether it’s with eco-friendly products…

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The Law of Attraction: How to Get More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t Want

It all starts with good vibrations. Over the next several months, I am going to share my thoughts and experiences regarding the law of attraction. The law of attraction simply is about how we can attract more of what we want and avoid those things we don’t want in our lives. If you want more…

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If You Aren’t Reinventing the Future, the Future Will Reinvent You

Where will you be when things settle down? A great number of marginal performers will be gone. Those who have not innovated will be gone. Those who have not created value for their clients will be gone. But a lot of us will be standing, and will be better, stronger and more equipped for success.…

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Check Out the Merch Table

I listen to a lot of music, and I’ve been to more shows than I can count (many of which were in basements and certainly broke fire codes). Because of this, I have my fair share of concert and band tees. Recently, we reported a few stories about music merchandise—a new app lets music fans…

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