Director of Client Retention

Where’s your focus? It seems like all the glamour and excitement in sales and marketing focuses on account acquisition. Everyone loves the “rainmaker,” the professional who reels in the big fish and new, headliner clients. We spend our time, our resources and our money on carefully crafted marketing plans. We think through objectives, strategies and…

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Let’s Talk Politics

Trump! Clinton! Feel the Bern! Some can’t help but support their candidates both privately and publicly. Recently, Cheryl Rios, a marketing specialist, discovered the danger of talking politics online—she lost her largest clients. But, I’m not writing today to get you to stop talking politics. I want you to talk politics—even online—but directed toward your elected officials. Next…

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Try Patterns and Prints: I Double-Dog Dare You

Prints make it easier to mix different colors, textures and fun into one cohesive look. They breathe a touch of life into an outfit. Of course, I get it. Patterns can be overwhelming. They are bold statements. And they are, perhaps, even bolder statements in the promotional products industry. But there are plenty of ways to incorporate them into a promotion without overdoing it…

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It’s About the Experience

Yesterday my friend gave me a T-shirt. It was for his band. I’ve been friends with this guy for close to 20 years, and we hang out on a very regular basis, but I was still excited to receive this free T-shirt. Why? It didn’t have anything special about it. Sure, it has a neat…

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Trade Shows + Social Media = Marketing Bliss

The trade show—one of the main staples of offline marketing. Social media—one of the backbones of online marketing. As marketing continues to evolve and shift, it’s increasingly more important to have a blend of both online and offline channels. And, thankfully, mobile technology has made it easy to do both at once. I’m talking about…

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Beyoncé Understands Promotional Products Better than Anyone

If you’ve been anywhere in my vicinity this past week, you’ve probably heard my “Beyoncé is a genius speech.” (Sorry, roommates, parents, friends, family, strangers on my bus, etc.) First, she debuted her amazing athleisure line, then she surprised fans with the work of art that is “Lemonade,” and, finally, she showed her skills at…

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The Most Important Thing You Need to Know about Millennials

So many blogs, books, presentations and articles provide broad insights on millennials. I’m going to share what I believe is the single most important insight you need to know about millennials. The millennial generation might better be referenced as the “Google Generation.” Never in the history of the world have we had access to answers…

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The Law of Attraction: Gratitude Is the Attitude That Impacts our Altitude

In my last article, I discussed the fact that our thoughts are vibrating waves that don’t stop at the edges of our skulls. Our thought waves are vibrations that become part of the universe. I’m told that we humans have up to 60,000 thoughts a day. Our thoughts shape our lives. Henry Ford said, “Whether…

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