Question: I need to change sales tax settings for a large number of my customers. Do I need to go into each customer to make the changes? Answer: No, fortunately! QuickBooks has a wonderful feature to save you time with that chore. Go to “Lists”>”Add/Edit Multiple List Entries”>”Select Customers” from the dropdown box at the…
Read MoreCollection: Newsletter Blogs
3 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You
Competitive research is important, but it can be hard to find time to do it. Trusting someone else to summarize for you can leave important holes in your understanding of competitors’ strategies and processes. I want to make sure I’m clear about who I am and where I fit into the marketplace, as well as…
Read MorePractice Agility
Most salespeople are extremely agile. Extremely agile. Salespeople want to say “yes” to anything. Agility is critical to success in sales. A great process is critical, too, but being flexible to meet each customer’s needs is equally critical. Agility often breaks down once you get past sales. Operation teams often are far less agile by…
Read MoreESPN’s Favorite Giveaways
Though I already have provided my opinion of the best NBA giveaways, the experts at ESPN ranked the top five NBA giveaways this season. There certainly are some creative promotions, and even with the ones I thought I had seen before, I noticed cool, new features that I wouldn’t have thought of. ESPN gave the…
Read MoreBeing Aware
Timothy James Richardson, my uncle, passed away on Sept. 9, 2016 following a long, 15-month battle with cancer. He was 63 years old. My grandparents raised me, and when I was 16, my uncle came to live with us. Until then, I knew him as Uncle Timmy the doctor—kind of stiff, kind of stern. Over…
Read MoreSimplify Your File Search
Instead of a question today, I’m going to pass along a tip from a client. I’m always interested in new ideas to simplify the accounting, bookkeeping and order management systems for ad specialty distributors. And recently, my client, Bruce Cunningham of Great Ideas in Santa Fe, N.M., shared an idea that reduces paper usage and…
Read MoreThe 8 Weirdest Trump, Clinton Promotional Products
With the final presidential debate between candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton taking place tonight, I started thinking about the most important aspect of the election: the promotional products. At least for me, I much prefer perusing political merchandise than listening to political propaganda. The best part about this election is that supporters have taken…
Read MoreBe Bad at Something
Be bad at something, perhaps a few things. Consider being downright awful at one thing. Why be bad at something? Simply put: So you can be great at the things that matter. Consider Amazon. It isn’t great at “in-person” customer service, even though it is great at customer service. In fact, it offers some of the…
Read MoreYes, You Can Make $500,000 a Year
In my last article, I discussed the No. 1 reason why most people in our industry aren’t rich. In that article, I stated that there is no good reason for people in our industry to make less than $500,000 per year income unless they choose not to. To some, that may sound like a lofty,…
Read MoreBuilding New Business
As I look at Center City Philadelphia from my office window, it is clear something big is happening: Cranes are at work, hoisting materials to new high-rise buildings. From high-value commercial properties, mixed-use developments and hospitals to multi-family housing and luxury condominiums, there is more building and revitalizing going on in this city than in…
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