Should I Settle for QuickBooks Pro Over Premier?

Question: My accountant says that I should switch to QuickBooks for my accounting system. She said that QuickBooks Pro should work just fine for my business. Is that what I should use? Answer: I agree with the “QuickBooks” half of her answer, but suggest “Premier” be the other half. Using QuickBooks, because it is the…

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My 5 Favorite Promotions of the Week: La Colombe Cups, Minor League Baseball Tees and More

Happy Wednesday, everyone! This week has been a hot one in Los Angeles, so I’ve been spending a lot of time indoors on social media avoiding physical activity. As such, I have seen a lot of amazing promotional products that I just have to spotlight. Keep reading for this week’s Fave 5. 1. Lehigh Valley…

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Rationalizing Your Way Out of Responsible Promo Sourcing

To justify taking the easy way out and not having the harder, more educational conversations with their customers, both suppliers and distributors tell themselves all kinds of lies: “My customers aren’t asking for it,” “My competitors aren’t doing it,” “It’s too expensive” and “No one has been caught.” What they may not realize is that these lies are costing them business…

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What’s The Difference Between Cash and Accrual Accounting?

Question: What is the difference between cash and accrual accounting? Answer: Cash or accrual accounting refers to the timing of when income and expense events are officially recorded. Cash basis means income is included in your income statement when you actually receive payment from your customer. Similarly, the expenses are recorded the date you actually…

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Speaking Your Customer’s Language: How We Talk to Promo Buyers

I’m not suggesting you need to learn a foreign language. What I am referring to is learning your client’s vocabulary tendencies and professional lingo to better understand their mindset, along with their industry pitfalls and challenges as promo buyers. Doing so will open the door to more opportunity. Let’s be real: Sales is predominately a…

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