OrderMaster Support Is Going Away—What Now?

Ask the Accountant… Question: I have used OrderMaster for a long time. Is there any support for the software? Answer: Unfortunately, no. OrderMaster is no longer supported. It was sold as a stand-alone product that users owned and loaded onto their computers. It has remained static while your computer operating systems have continually advanced. The…

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$5 Million Jackpot

Let me tell you a story about Jack. Jack has been in this business a long time. Good guy. Lots of contacts. Sales typically less than $500,000 per year. Then COVID struck. Jack participated in webinars and learned about opportunities in PPE. Jack reached out to his contacts. He told them how he had the…

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The Easiest Sale

Many of you reading this are wondering where to get more sales. There are only four possibilities for creating more sales. In order of the easiest sale they are: Sell an existing product to an existing customer. Sell a new product to an existing customer. Sell an existing product to a new customer. Sell a…

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Steve Jobs: The 1 Thing That Separates the Doers from the Dreamers

I recently read an article from TheLadders.com written by Michael Thompson, who explained a story about Steve Jobs and what he believes to be the one thing that separates the doers from the dreamers. When Jobs was 12 years old, he wanted to build a frequency counter but was missing some of the parts he needed, so he…

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The Future of QuickBooks Desktop

Ask the Accountant… Question: I’ve heard rumors that QuickBooks Desktop is going away. Is that true? Answer: I’ve heard those rumors for years, but QB Desktop (Pro, Premier and Enterprise) is improved upon year-over-year, and appears to be here to stay. I recently attended a webinar by Joe Woodard about this very subject. He quoted…

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Stop Having Excuses. Start Hustling.

  By now, we have heard more than enough of these words: COVID-19, coronavirus, social distancing and many more. I will tell you one more word I have heard enough of: excuses. I hear people blaming their low sales on the virus, on their customers being closed, on the fact they can’t make face-to-face sales…

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Mapping Customer Names Into QuickBooks From Excel

Ask the Accountant… Question: I have been trying to load customers into QB Premier from an Excel file, but I keep getting error messages about duplicates. How can I fix that? Answer: Here’s the fix: QB Premier runs on lists. Once you enter data into lists, you can use that list entry over and over…

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