Trump Spends $500K on Merchandise, Fake Candidates Enter Race

MSNBC published a breakdown of how much Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has cost. Of the $4.2 million the campaign spent this quarter, $504,192 was spent on merchandise, like his hats and T-shirts. That figure is 12 percent of the campaign’s total spending this quarter.

Trump’s merchandise has been a major part of his campaign, with his “Make America Great Again” caps becoming a trademark of the 2016 race. Trump isn’t the only one whose merchandise has been a major aspect of campaigning, Bernie Sanders’ “Feel the Bern” mug has had some screen time, and Rand Paul’s T-shirts have been recognized for their originality.

In addition to the well-known politicians running for president and selling merchandise online, there are a few fake candidates who have received impressive donations and built large Web stores, according to Time.

Limberbutt McCubbins has a large Web store, where fans can purchase items, such as hats, T-shirts, coffee mugs, keychains and more. Limberbutt McCubbins is also a cat, owned by Emilee McCubbins. Despite this, the campaign had received more than $1,000, but has since suspended its campaign store to avoid legal trouble. Fans of McCubbins can still purchase goods from Cafepress.

This cat’s Web store has more merchandise than Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie and Martin O’Malley.

While some might purchase a humorous T-shirt supporting a feline head-of-state, others have contributed to the campaign of a man known as “Honest” Gil Fulbright. Fulbright, actually an actor named Frank Ridley, runs a satirical campaign that pokes fun at campaign promises and the U.S. political system.

However, Fulbright’s Indiegogo page has raised more than $50,000. The “campaign” hopes to raise $70,000 so it can hire two billboard trucks. When people donate to the account, they can receive “Honest Gil” T-shirts, stickers, water bottles, totes and car magnets, depending on the donation amount.

This $50,000 for “Honest Gil” is impressive, but it still doesn’t hold a candle to the real competitors, like Trump, who received $3.9 million from online donations.

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