1. Where can I review Promo Marketing Magazine Production Specs?
A complete description of all production specs please download the Promo Marketing Magazine Ad Specification sheet.
2. What are your specs for bleeds, trims, etc.?
A complete description of all production specs please download the Promo Marketing Magazine Ad Specification sheet.
3. What types of files will you accept?
Promo Marketing Magazine only accepts PDF files. Download instructions on how to create a PDF file for Promo Marketing Magazine.
4. Will you accept Pagemaker, Freehand or Corel Draw?
Unfortunately, we do not accept those file formats. We only accept PDF files. Click here for instructions on how to create a PDF file for Promo Marketing Magazine.
5. Can we send our PDF files to you via email?
Yes, if the file size is less than 10 megabytes please email them to [email protected] otherwise you must send it to our ftp site (see #6 below). When e-mailing your ad please be sure to include the advertiser name as well as the publication name and issue date in which the advertisement is to appear.
6. Can we send our PDF files to an ftp site?
Yes, please contact June Holloway at (215) 238-6677 or [email protected] for more information.
7. What if we can’t produce a PDF file?
Please contact June Holloway at (215) 238-6677 or [email protected] for information regarding ways to convert your file to a PDF. Also, click here for information on third-party service providers that can assist you with this.
8. Why do we need to send you a proof of the ad?
In order to help insure that we reproduce your ad as you envision we need a hard copy proof of the ad so that we can check to make sure that all of the elements that are shown in the proof are also contained in your digital file. If you send your digital ad files via e-mail or upload to our ftp site, either send your color proof via overnight mail to Dorlisa Goodrich Young, c/o Promo Marketing Magazine, One Penn Center, 1617 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1750, Philadelphia, PA 19103; or, if color is not critical, fax a black and white proof to Dorlisa Young at (215) 238-5297.
9. What kind of proof do you need?
A digital matchprint is preferred if color is critical, however, a Rainbow, Fuji or color laser is acceptable for color breaks.
10. What is the last possible date I can have material to you by?
Production schedules vary by issue. You can review our published material deadlines by clicking here. If you need further information please contact [email protected] at (215) 238-5359 or [email protected] for more information. Any extension to material due dates should be cleared through the production manager.
11. If we need to send our materials/files to you via the mail or other carrier where do we send them to?
All material/files should be sent to:
June Holloway
Promo Marketing Magazine
One Penn Center, 1617 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1750, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Please DO NOT send your packages to anyone other than the Production Manager.