Promotional Marketing Reprint Information

Our reprint program is a great way to promote your company’s products, service and your commitment to excellence. We’ve designed our customized reprint program so you can capitalize on the industry status you’ve earned.

Our customers have found their reprints make ideal tradeshow handouts, professional direct marketing pieces, excellent leave-behinds for field staff, perfect internal morale boosters, and are a great way to supplement their existing company literature.

Choose from a variety of formats, in black-and-white, 2-color, or 4-color. We use 80lb. coated stock. 1 – 8 page formats available.

Custom Options Available: Use the cover banner of the publication to add extra credibility… focus on your company details: we can re-flow the article to focus on you… highlight, italicize or bold text to emphasis important areas… Add your logo or contact information to increase your branding opportunities… add a full-page advertisement to work in conjunction with your reprint.

E-prints are electronic versions of a conventional printed reprint. They are created in a PDF, hi-resolution file format. Use e-prints to post on your Web site, Intranet, and e-mail clients.

We take that great-looking marketing piece or cover shot and transform it into a memorable plaque specifically designed to “showcase” an inspirational article featuring a company all-star or achievement. At a reasonable cost, you can receive a high-quality, custom-made laminated plaque adorned with the original reprint along with a brass plat that touts: As featured in, magazine title and date.

An economical way to compliment your printed reprint! Posters are great for display at industry tradeshows, sales meetings or in your company’s conference room or lobby. Full size poster’s are laminated with a coated finish and mounted to foam core and are available in a variety of sizes.


All information, content, services and software displayed on, transmitted through, or used in connection with this Web site (the “Site”), including articles, reviews, directories, guides, text, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips, video, html, source and object code, trademarks, logos, and the like (collectively, the “Content”), as well as its selection and arrangement, is owned by North American Publishing Company (NAPCO). You may use the Content online only, and solely for your personal, non-commercial use provided you do not remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from such Content.

If you want to link to the Site, you may do so provided you agree to cease such link upon request from NAPCO.

No other use is permitted without prior written permission of NAPCO. You may not, for example, republish any portion of the Content on any Internet, Intranet or extranet site or incorporate the Content in any database, compilation, archive or cache. You may not distribute any Content to others, whether or not for payment or other consideration, and you may not modify, copy, frame, cache, reproduce, sell, publish, transmit, display or otherwise use any portion of the Content.

Classroom Use
If you are an Educational Institution located in the United States and would like to copy material for use in a classroom, online course, or course pack, please contact:

Copyright Clearance Center
222 Rosewood Drive
Danvers, MA 01923
Ph: (978) 750-8400

We offer two basic types of syndication. The first syndication method allows you to publish a “feed” of content on your Web site/Intranet with links back to the full stories on our Web site. The second method allows you to publish a “feed” of content on your Web site/Intranet and retain your Web site traffic by publishing the full stories on your Web site. For additional information, please contact Rob Yoegel, Vice President, Online Publisher, (215) 238-5344.